Brand Ambassador
We created this program to support people who have a passion for fashion and believe in the Katwalk Boutique, those who inspire us and support our community efforts. Our ambassadors are leaders, goal getters, and doers from around the world. They help us to keep our finger on the pulse of the fashion industry and provide us with invaluable feedback so that we can improve and grow.
Through the program, ambassadors have access to a team of experienced fashion minds, a chance to try out new product, and a live Katwalk Community to help you grow.
Our Ambassador Program can provide you with a unique opportunity to make a difference in our communities through our many outreach programs, e.g. Shoes that and the Education Matters Program.
Each ambassador must be engaged, enthusiastic, and authentic and have a passion for the Katwalk lifestyle. Our ambassadors are our biggest advocates. They sincerely want us to succeed. When you are an Ambassador, you become part of the Katwalk Kuties Family. When you succeed we all succeed.